How CarDon & Associates is responding to the COVID-19 virus
As a family-centered organization, we value the lives and safety of our residents. Throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 pandemic, our dedicated associates have taken extraordinary measures to ensure the health and safety of our residents. Our COVID-19 preparedness and response plans were created under guidance from The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH).
Below you will find details regarding our most recent mitigation actions to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Additional information can be found in our FAQ’s section.
All associates of CarDon will be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine by October 1, 2021 unless an applicable exemption is on file prior to that time.
For all skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities:
- When the county positivity rate is below 5% and there are no positive cases:
- Monthly testing of all unvaccinated associates.
- When the county positivity rate is at or above 5% and there are no positive cases:
- Weekly testing of all unvaccinated associates.
- Both residents and visitors will be required to wear a mask and social distance for the duration of visits regardless of vaccination status.
- When the county positivity rate is greater than 10% and there are no positive cases:
- Testing of all unvaccinated associates 2x/week.
- Both residents and visitors will be required to wear a mask and social distance for the duration of visits regardless of vaccination status.
- Any skilled nursing community where a resident or associate tests positive will immediately go into outbreak testing:
- All associates and residents (vaccinated and unvaccinated) will be tested every 3-7 days until no new positive cases have been identified for 14 days.
- All associates who provide direct care within 6 feet of a resident will wear a face shield.
- Indoor visits will be limited to compassionate care visits and Essential Family Caregiver (EFC) visits. We ask that you use discretion regarding these visits for the safety of all involved.
- Weather permitting, outdoor visits may occur.
- Visitors as well as residents will be required to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.
- All communal dining, activities and excursions will be paused until no new positive cases are identified for 14 days.
- These changes will apply to the area in which the positive test was received, i.e., skilled nursing or assisted living. The unaffected area will continue with the guidelines above based on county positivity rates.
For all independent living communities when the county positivity rates are at or above 5%:
- All associates will be required to wear face masks, regardless of vaccination status.
- All visitors will be required to wear face masks for the duration of their visits, regardless of vaccination status.
- It is highly recommended that residents wear masks when indoors and off of the campus.
- If a resident is feeling ill and/or experiencing symptoms, we ask that they notify the staff, secure a Covid test as quickly as possible, and quarantine while the result is pending.
- Any resident who tests positive for Covid must quarantine per the CDC, State and Physician recommendations (currently a minimum of 10 days).
- We strongly encourage outdoor visits as this remains the least likely environment for transmission.
We remain committed to the health, safety and overall well-being of our residents and associates. You may reach us at 844-4-CarDon or email Covid-19@cardon.us with questions or concerns.