We hope this will address some of your most frequently asked questions. Please do not hesitate to contact the community by email Covid-19@cardon.us or call 844-4-CarDon with questions that are not addressed in this document.
Q: Are family visits allowed at the community? We follow all guidance from The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) regarding family visits. The most recent guidance is included below.
For all skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities:
- When the county positivity rate is at or above 5% and there are no positive cases:
- Both residents and visitors will be required to wear a mask and social distance for the duration of visits regardless of vaccination status.
- Any skilled nursing community where a resident or associate tests positive:
- Indoor visits will be limited to compassionate care visits and Essential Family Caregiver (EFC) visits. We ask that you use discretion regarding these visits for the safety of all involved.
- Weather permitting, outdoor visits may occur.
- Visitors as well as residents will be required to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.
For all independent living communities when the county positivity rates are at or above 5%:
- All visitors will be required to wear face masks for the duration of their visits, regardless of vaccination status.
- We strongly encourage outdoor visits as this remains the least likely environment for transmission.
- When the county positivity rate is at or above 5% and there are no positive cases:
Q: Can I take my loved one on an excursion? Excursions are defined as leaving the community for less than 24 hours in duration.
Residents who are independently mobile may leave the community provided they take proper precautions with physical distancing, hand hygiene and mask wearing. They do not require transmission-based precautions (TBP) when returning to the community but should be monitored for symptoms.
Residents who are not independently mobile may be escorted on outdoor excursions if all precautions are taken (i.e., social distancing of at least 6 feet, masks and hand hygiene). They do not require transmission-based precautions (TBP) upon return to the community but should be monitored for symptoms.
Q: How is meal service being provided? Communal dining has resumed in many of our communities. Residents are served at tables that allow for social distancing and/or have plexiglass dividers to ensure safety. In some cases, residents will be served in multiple sittings in order to accommodate the distancing requirements.
Please consult with the particular community you are interested in for additional information.
Q: Can we set up Telehealth/virtual doctor’s appointments? Yes, all communities are equipped with Telehealth. Please contact your community for more information.
Q: How can I stay connected with my loved one? We recognize the importance of staying connected with your loved one during this time. Our associates will be happy to assist you with setting up phone calls and/or FaceTime calls with your loved one. We are also happy to arrange window visits! Please reach out to the community to make arrangements.
Q: What are zones? Residents in the skilled nursing setting are being cared for in color coded cohort zones recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) in order to isolate the virus, minimize the spread and protect our staff and associates.
- Green zones are for residents showing no signs or symptoms, those who have tested negative, those who are fully vaccinated and those who have recovered.
- Yellow zones are for new admissions or residents returning from the hospital who are not fully vaccinated and are in Transmission Based Precautions until 14 days from their final vaccine dose.
- Red zones are for residents who are currently COVID-19 positive.
Q: I have had the vaccine. Can I still be a carrier of COVID-19? Although a vaccinated person may not “feel” sick from COVID-19, they could still be infected and/or spread the virus to others. For example, if a vaccinated resident contracts the virus from a staff member or visitor, that resident will likely be protected from the disease, but could put an unvaccinated resident or staff member at serious risk.
Q: What can I do to help? Many family members want to know what they can do to help. Please consider getting the vaccine when it’s available to you and do what you can to slow the spread of COVID-19. If you are vaccinated, when asked, explain why you chose to be vaccinated. The sooner more people are vaccinated and fewer people are getting sick, the sooner our residents and families will be truly reunited.
Q: Many of you have asked how you can support and recognize our associates. Our associates are working tirelessly to provide for the health and safety of your loved ones. Here are some ideas:
- Food that is individually packaged, bagged or boxed.
- Letters and notes of encouragement.
- Social media posts recognizing staff members – tag CarDon or the community and we will share it with the team!
- Signs posted on entryway doors.
- Sidewalk chalk notes for staff to see as they enter the community.
Your encouragement means the world to our associates. Please be mindful of social distancing as you make your plans!
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the community by email Covid-19@cardon.us or call 812-961-2326.