Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. It
can lead to respiratory illness with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and
shortness of breath. Certain populations are more at risk of getting this virus,
including individuals age 60 or older and people of any age with serious
underlying medical conditions.
Here are some great resources that you can use to see what local and national
organizations are doing and saying regarding COVID-19. We will also be
publishing regular articles that we believe could be useful to you during these
uncertain and unprecedented times.
- World Health Organization
- Indiana
State Department of Health - Indiana Governor
- Indiana Health Care Association
- American Health Care Association
- Department of Social Services
Planning Ahead? Learn more about your options and decide the best fit for you or
your loved one’s care needs with this quick five-minute survey powered by
Roobrik. www.cardon.us/roobrik