Remembrance of Things Past

Lyons Health and Living Community held an antique car show in their parking lot Saturday, September 28th, to raise money for Alzheimer’s research. According to Doris Moss, the director of Lyons, this is the second annual car show. “Last year we had maybe eight cars,” she said. Today there were more than twenty.

The parking lot and grassy area were filled with beautiful cars. A Ford model T, a ‘46 Dodge, a ‘67 Mustang, and a ’57 T-Bird existed side by side. There were looks of remembrance as the residents walked around the cars. “There was a time when the streets were filled with these,” one resident said, looking wistfully at the ‘46 Dodge. Grills were fired up for hamburgers and hot dogs. A DJ was playing music under the gazebo, and there was a silent auction with donated items from the community and staff.

Doris said that half of the money raised goes towards Alzheimer’s research and the other half stays in-house to help buy Christmas gifts for the residents. “We want everyone to have a gift,” she said. Last year they raised $1,000 and this year the goal is $1,500. Doris said, “My husband and I have a car we show, it’s a ‘73 yellow Plymouth we named Lillie after my mom. We go to car shows and I had the idea to try one here as a fund raiser.”

The residents of Lyons were thoroughly delighted being outside soaking up the sun and fresh air, loving the music, the food, and the cars. Jack and Sylvia Heuby, a married couple living in Lyons Health and Living Community, sat side-by-side enjoying their hot dogs and sodas. “It’s like a family here,’” Jack said. “The staff’s very friendly, they believe in what they’re doing.” You could look around and see what Jack meant. It was a big family picnic, there was music and food and smiles and laughter. What more could you ask for on a crisp fall day in September?

This is another example of the care your loved ones receive at any CarDon community. To learn more about Lyons Health and Living Community call 812-659-1440 or visit us at 2417 S 800 W, Lyons, IN 47443 and take a tour.