Resident’s Rehab Room Became Art Studio

Phil Beaver award

From a Vietnam veteran to an NFL player, a dancer and a pianist, extraordinary people from all walks of life roam the halls of CarDon’s communities. Paoli Health & Living rehab resident Phil Beaver is the latest addition, arriving at the community two months after receiving recognition from the Indiana House of Representatives “for his vitality, creativity and lifetime of artistic creation.”

“When I met Phil here at Paoli Health & Living, the first things he asked for in his room were his drawing pencil and his sketchpad,” said Paoli Marketing Director Kellie Wilson. “His caregiver brought in a packet of hand drawn artwork, which I thought was amazing — even more so when I found out he did it with his non-dominant hand.”

When a stroke paralyzed much of Phil’s right side many years ago, he taught himself how to draw again using his left hand. While this is undoubtedly an impressive achievement, it’s not entirely surprising given his long history as a teacher.

Phil started his career as an art teacher at Garfield High School in Terre Haute, Indiana. As his Indiana statehouse proclamation reads, Phil “introduced his students to a myriad of artistic techniques including painting, silver smithing, ceramics, sculpting, and art appreciation. Thanks in no small part to [his] aptitude as a teacher and ability to instill a love of art in his students, several graduates of his classes pursued art degrees.”

During his time at Garfield High School, Phil also started a ballroom dancing club for students and incorporated unicycle riding into the school assemblies.

Upon retirement, he opened what became a popular dinner theater in Terre Haute called the Beaver House, where a miniature train delivered delicious food while guests enjoyed musical performances.

The Beaver House
Courtesy of

“That was so cool,” Phil said with pride. “We had so much fun.”

Phil went on to travel the world, winning numerous awards for his uniquely crafted quilts and teaching his methods via television appearances and online videos.

While undergoing rehabilitation therapy at Paoli Health & Living, Phil draws every day and looks forward to returning home, where he can work on even more of the artwork he loves creating.

“I’m thankful to everyone at Paoli Health & Living for helping me get back on my feet,” he said.

For the Paoli Health & Living staff, it’s a pleasure, as spending time with Phil is like visiting an art museum. Like all of CarDon’s residents, he’s a testament to the fact that we never know what treasures we are going to discover at our communities.