Graduating to New Peaks at University Heights

University Heights rehab staff

When we interviewed Myra Kennelly for this article, she had an action-packed week ahead of her.

“If it weren’t for University Heights Health & Living, I wouldn’t be so busy and having so much fun,” she said.

Thanks to rehabilitation therapy at the community, she has recovered from breaking both arms and is back with a book in her hands for her reading club and ready to dance the boogie-woogie with friends at her local Moose Lodge.

Myra is also able to enjoy the basketball games her daughter coaches, as physical therapy helped her climb the stands in the stadium.

Between dancing, going to games and hanging out with friends from her high school days, Myra feels like a kid again. The fellow residents at University Heights fill her with youthful exuberance as well.

“We talk about all the stuff we used to do as teenagers, like going out to see movies at the drive-in,” she said with a gleeful giggle. “It’s fun to reminisce, but it’s even more fun to be busy doing things I used to do when I was younger.”

Rehabilitation therapy has gone a long way in helping Myra deal not only with broken bones but with general osteoarthritis pain. She credits the compassionate, encouraging staff at University Heights for helping her “return to enjoying life.”

University Heights rehab gym

“If you’re looking to get back on your feet and return to your world, University Heights is the place to go,” she said.

She’s not only back in her world in terms of getting together with friends and hitting the dance floor at the Moose Lodge, but she’s discovering new passions as well. These days, you’ll likely spot her sporting a Taylor Swift shirt that her granddaughters gifted her. “They made me a Swifty,” she said with a sense of pride and joy.

With stories like Myra’s, University Heights is a fitting name for this community, as it helps seniors like her graduate to new peaks in their lives.