Evansville, Indiana


Get Smart

Located just south of West Lloyd Expressway on McDowell Road (1/2 mile west of University Parkway) in Evansville, Indiana. We offer residents full continuum of care. We have everything you need.

Evansville, Indiana


Get Smart Experience

Life Enrichment

Staying socially engaged is an important part of healthy aging. GET SMART experience members will receive invitations to many opportunities to remain engaged with the arts, education, and other seniors.

Get Smart meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 11:00am – 1:15pm at Solarbron Pointe. Members must be 55 years and older. Your RSVP is important! Please call 812-985-9955 to reserve your seat.

  • Arrive with Meet & Greet: 11:00-11:30
  • Lunch: 11:30
  • Guest Speaker: 12:00-12:45
  • Financial Expert: 12:45-1:15

Living Local Program

The Living Local Program brings together locally owned businesses and Solarbron to provide special seasonal discounts to members. From dining to car care, this program offers a wide variety of cost saving benefits.